Dracula Episode: June 24th

While the Szgany work somewhere in the depths of the castle, Jonathan Harker observes the Count climbing out the window wearing Harker’s traveling suit. Jonathan realizes that by appearing in the town in Harker’s clothes, the townspeople will think he is acting out nefarious deeds of his own will. Jonathan’s plans to await the Count’s return are halted by the appearance of the three spectral women who frighten him from the room.  Once safely in his own bedroom, Jonathan hears a stifled wail from the Count’s room, and a woman appears in the courtyard and screams at Jonathan to return her stolen child. The Count’s voice calls the wolves who devour her before Jonathan’s very eyes.  


Jonathan Harker: Jesse Buddington

Screaming Woman: Mary Beth Sederberg

Producer, Director, Webmaster: Gwen Schmidt

Audio Engineer, SFX and Music: Bonnie Bogovich

Scripting and Assistant Audio: Sean Lenhart

Story Continuity Supervisor: Liz Rishel

Artwork: Kwamé Babb

This is a rebroadcast of the original 2017 work.

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