Dracula Episode: June 29th

Jonathan Harker observes the Count, dressed in Jonathan’s traveling suit, delivering the last of the postdated letters that portend his doom. The Count tells Jonathan that his carriage will deliver him to Bistritz tomorrow evening. Jonathan asks to leave immediately, but changes his mind when a multitude of wolves appear at the front door. Once back in his bedroom, Jonathan overhears the count whispering to the spectral women that they may feast on him tomorrow.

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Dracula Episode: June 25th

The first of Jonathan Harker’s postdated letters has been sent, and Jonathan grows desperate. Determined to discover the secrets about the Count, Jonathan perilously climbs down the exterior of the castle wall into the Count’s bedroom. Once inside the seemingly disused room, Jonathan takes a deep passage that opens into a ruined chapel. Jonathan discovers that the Szgany had been filling large wooden boxes with earth from the chapel, and that the Count is lying as if dead inside one of these boxes. The sight so startles Jonathan, that he returns at once to his bedroom.

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Dracula Episode: June 24th

While the Szgany work somewhere in the depths of the castle, Jonathan Harker observes the Count climbing out the window wearing Harker’s traveling suit. Jonathan realizes that by appearing in the town in Harker’s clothes, the townspeople will think he is acting out nefarious deeds of his own will. Jonathan’s plans to await the Count’s return are halted by the appearance of the three spectral women who frighten him from the room.  Once safely in his own bedroom, Jonathan hears a stifled wail from the Count’s room, and a woman appears in the courtyard and screams at Jonathan to return her stolen child. The Count’s voice calls the wolves who devour her before Jonathan’s very eyes.   Follow us on Twitter.com/CryptiCanticles, Facebook.com/DraculaRadioPlay, and at crypticcanticles.com

Dracula Episode: June 18th

Episode Synopsis: John Seward’s inmate, Renfield has taken to collecting spiders, and is feeding them with his flies.
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Dracula Episode: June 17th

Episode Synopsis: Jonathan Harker is locked in his bedroom when the opportunity to escape arises. Slovak workers who are carrying empty boxes into the castle are instructed by the Szgany to ignore Jonathan’s cries for help. Follow us on Twitter.com/CryptiCanticles, Facebook.com/DraculaRadioPlay, and at crypticcanticles.com

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